Tame your Gmail: 30+ Tools & Resources by Takis Athanassiou
I follow Listly (list.ly) regularly, and if you're a list-maker like I am, you should too. For example, here are some of their trending lists. This week, an eye-catching list came to my email inbox titled "Tame your Gmail: 30+ Tools & Resources" and it is the most complete and updated list of Gmail tools and resources I have found yet. Well done, Takis Athanassiou, the writer of the article. Some of these add-ons, sites and extensions I already use (like Unroll.Me and Sidekick), but most I had not even heard of. The article is worth reading, even if it's just for #29: Become an Email Expert with these 151 Tricks
I get these articles and tips in my inbox every day, and I like to share the best ones with others. #32 on the list is 100 Email Hacks: Become an Inbox Zero Superhero! and where else but Listly would you find a set of tips like this but within another list all its own? Let me know if you find something you can use every day. I know I did.
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