Yet Another Mail Merge (Tutorial Video)

If you haven't seen Yet Another Mail Merge yet, it is an add-in for Google Sheets. You can find a link to the add-on here.  What makes this so important is that it fulfills a need that many teachers have when communicating with parents. This add-on lets you compile a list of differing comments for each student (listed in the columns of a Google Sheet) and send them all as a mail merge to various parents through your Gmail account. Maybe it's letting the parents know how their child is currently doing in your course. Maybe it's letting the parent know about an important upcoming test or event in your classroom. 

To save time, Yet Another Mail Merge lets you personalize the message to each individual parent. All you need is each parent's e-mail address. Comments or messages are typed into the fields of the spreadsheet and then merged into your Gmail. The add-on pulls each field you want from the spreadsheet. It then creates an additional column letting you know exactly when the email message was delivered. Very slick!

Below is a very helpful video tutorial from Michelle Armstrong showing how it works. 


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