Your Favorite SlideShow Maker

Did you know that you can create photo slideshows for a Web site in more than 11 different applications? I am trying to find the very best tool to create a photo slide show of my own, and also the best tool to teach others to use. It really is amazing at how many there are to choose from. I have come up with 11 different far:

1. Microsoft Photo Story (free).

2. Animoto (Web site/service)

3. Windows Movie Maker (free)

4. Adobe Photoshop Elements (any version)

5. Adobe Flash Professional CS3 or CS4

6. Adobe Photoshop CS3 or CS4

7. Adobe Fireworks CS3 or CS4

8. Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 or CS4

9. Adobe Acrobat Professional

10. Picasa - Google's free software and Web album creator

11. Microsoft PowerPoint (save as a PowerPoint Show or HTML)

Sure, there are many more slide-show-making tools, but these are the ones I have tried so far. I'm just trying to generate some comments. Which do you like best and/or which do you find the easiest to train others to use? My own personal vote goes to #1 with regard to training, and #4 for its abililty to save to different formats, including .PDF. We'd like to hear your comments.


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