IE New Window Maximizer from jiiSoft
Open New Web Pages to the Max IE New Window Maximizer is a utility that could have been grouped with the other great utilities or Power Tools listed at various points in this blog, but it is too good, too essential not to devote an entire post to it. If you spend any time on the Web using Internet Explorer, you know how irritating it is to click on links in Web sites, only to have these links open up in a new window. The new window is not the problem, but the fact that they open up in a newer, smaller window. Sure, you could click on the "Maximize" square in the top right corner of the window, or, if you dare, you could double-click on the Title Bar of the new window - to make it maximized. But having to do that over and over and over for every site you go to and every link you click on gets tedious. Wouldn't it be nice if every link you clicked on just automatically opened maximized, taking up the whole screen, requiring you to do nothing but look at the page? That wou...